Questions to my Higher Self...
How can I balance concentrating on "simply being" and more active "doing?"
By realizing there is no true separation between the two acts. We do not stop being in order to do. We do not need to stop doing in order to be. What you are ultimately looking for is a balanced awareness.
If you only focus on doing, it can take the power away from the being-ness that is now. You may become too focused on tasks, and begin seeking completeness in yourself from an outside source.
In turn, we are here to experience that which we are through doing. When we only allow ourselves to "be" and look negatively at "doing" we limit ourselves and our experience. Ultimately, a harmony between the two states of awareness can be achieved.
*Being = the awareness of "I AM"
*Doing = the awareness of action and creation, or beingness exploring all of it's possibilities
Why do spiritual teachers put so much focus on being?
It is an aspect missing from many cultural systems. We think we need to do something in order to be something, when in truth, being and doing arise from the same source... consciousness. You do not need to choose one or the other.
How do I get rid of "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts" in my thinking patterns?
Shoulds and shouldn'ts are the ego consciousness's way of fitting in the the other ego entities of it's life. We worry that if we eliminate shoulds and shouldn'ts our life would lose all structure, when this is far from the case. When we let go of ego based shoulds and shouldn'ts we give room for a whole new, deep loving consciousness to emerge. This consciousness is our Source, therefore this energy is completely aware of us and what we want...because it IS us.