Hello! I am Quan Yin, a mother energy of love and truth. It is my privilege to speak to you today on behalf of the spirits of old. It has been a long time coming the shifts about to occur on the Earth Plane. I am here to offer words of advice and of guidance to assist each of my Earth children through the times ahead. I invite you to engage in each experience I offer you with an open mind and heart. I am here not to lecture, but rather to invite you to fully participate in each of your respective lives, to engage in "high-end" energies, and to feel at home on this planet, your home planet, Earth.
Earth as a whole has made a remarkable journey of excellence and dynamic learning. It is our belief that now is a time to neither look back nor forward. Rather, it is a time to expand awareness in all directions.
Feel every moment today like you are gently yet powerfully sipping from a glass of water. Allow every breath to fill you up with contentment and an everlasting sense of peace. You are the children of the Earth, she is your Mother. What can you do today to express your deep gratitude toward your Great Provider? She hath bathed you, clothed you, given you fresh spaces to explore. She is a total and complete giver of Universal Love. What can you do today to model that kind of devotion...whether it may be toward oneself or one another? Your Mother Earth wants to help you embrace the time of changes and re-establish the deep-seeded connection you all long for.
It is your birth right into this plane that you may live a life blessed with a wide variety of experience. The question I ask you is...are you living the life you want to live? We often choose in our sacred Earth experience to live the life of another. We succumb to their whims and fancies and forget our own. I ask you today to get back in touch with your own prana. You are each programmed like the computers your species so adores to live a life full of success. However, many are under the false impression that what we want is impossible to achieve. This is a great untruth that is essential to be unraveled. We are coming together now...entities of all kinds and vibrations to learn to celebrate again.
This week...
"The Basics of Meditation"
- Close your eyes and breathe.
-Too often we keep our eyes & mouths open while our minds& hearts remain shut. Today let us slide to the opposite end of the spectrum.
-Focus on the moment "Now." Listen to the sound of your breathing. This is where every meditation begins.
-As you breathe in, remember that you are always safe and protected. Consider using the mantra...
"I am happy and whole."
-As you exhale, feel every tension, weight, and stressful event in your lives billow away in the mist of air cascading out of your mouth. Consider using the mantra...
"I am relieved of all stress."
My love goes out to each and every one of you...
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